Worst Punishment Ever Given In History

The Death-Penalty is a highly controversial topic, and there are a variety of opinions on the matter. Some people believe that the death penalty is an effective way to deter crime and that it is a just punishment for the most serious of offences. Others argue that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and that it is not an effective deterrent. There is no clear consensus on the matter, and it is an issue that continues to be debated.

5 Worst Punishment For Death-Penalty

The death penalty was a common practice in the ancient world and was often used as a punishment for a wide variety of offenses. In most cases, the death penalty was reserved for crimes that were considered to be serious offenses against the state or community, such as treason or murder. In some cases, however, the death penalty was also imposed for less serious crimes, such as theft or even vandalism.

The ancient world was home to a number of different methods of execution, including stoning, crucifixion, and drowning. The most common method of execution, however, was probably hanging. Hanging was often used for crimes that were considered to be capital offenses, such as treason or murder.

The death penalty was not always carried out in a public setting. In some cases, executions were carried out in private, in the homes of the condemned. In other cases, executions were carried out in public, as a way to discourage others from committing similar crimes

Today we'll discuss about 5 weird system of Death Punishment of World.

1. Death By Sawing

Can you imagine a person is hanging naked by bounding his legs in front of the holes society and two peoples are setting a so and cutting him into two different pieces ? You can't , right ? But in the history there was a date penalty like it. It was Death by Sawing. This was started in Europe . This punishment was given to those who had done robbery , rape or to those – who say against the nation or religious . We have not the perfect evidence that who started this weird punishment . But we know the exactvision to start this and this where to spread Fear and Pain to the common people . When the person was hanged by his legs then that flow increases to his brain . That means he was watching his own death and felt it very painfully. These weird punishment came to India also and there is the documented case of it. The case of Bhai Mati Das. He was a Minister of Sikh Guru – Guru Tej Bahadur , who highly protested to convert to Islam. So one of the most 12 Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb ordered to do the same with Bhai Mati Das .

2. The Choke Pear Torture

Don't think about its name , because it is to horrible than its name. In this system actual was used which was named as the Choke Pear . This full was put in any of the person of the human body where is a hole , like — Mouth , Anas and Vagina . This tool was set to the portion and when it was opened it broke the specific hole. As a result the human died. In 1926 at France a thief named Gaucher Ou De Palioly entered to a couple's room to theft something . But he got nothing there. So he directly asked the couple to give him their precious elements and money. But the couple had nothing to give him. This made Palioly more angry and then he murdered them by using his own made Choke Pear . It was the first usage of the Choke Pear for death penalty.

This cruel system was not bounded to the France only, it spreads to the Europe too. After the time it became one of the most common punishment in Europe. But this punishment was not delivered to every prisoners. The majesty used it for some specific category's prisoners, like — To the mouth of Traitor aur who said against the nation and religions, to the anas of homo-sexual males and to the vagina of abortioning females.

3. The Brazen Bull

In the time of 570 to 555 BC the people of Ethance were too much to do any wrong activities . They knew that they would got something most horrible punishment of this world for their wrong activities. This punishment was familiar as a name of the Brazen Bull. People were burnt inside a bull. Obviously we are not talking of any living bull here, we are talking about a bull made of metal. Here in this case there was a opening and of the metallic bull. A prisoner was entered to the Bull through this entrance then the gate was locked from outside. Then fire was placed under the body person of the metallic bull. Can you imagine howly the person was killed ?

These Brazen Bull was invented by the Roman scientist Perilos , by the order of one of most cruel Roman Emperor–King Phalaris . Phalaris put Perilos inside the Bull for the first time to test this. After this Telemachus , who wanted to take over the Roman empire put Phalaris inside of the same Bull. That means this bull was responsible for the death of the both of them who made this. This invention was not bounded to Greece and it spread to the Europe very easily. Basically the Brazen Bull was used for the death penalty of the Christians by the order of the Roman kings.

4. The Roman Candles

From 13th October, 54 to 9th June, 68 the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Nero . Nero was too much angry with the Christians. Once he arranged a garden party for the Romanian at night. There she used the Roman Candles for the first time. Nero bounded Christians to the top of the poles of a garden and then he burnt them. The Romans enjoyed the party with the help of the burning light of the Christians.

5. Dismemberment

At the ancient time some impaire used Dismemberment of the human body for a perfect death-penalty. Just imagine, two hands and legs of a person are tied with four different horses and the horses a trying to run to four different directions. What a huge pressure created to the human body ! As a result the human body torn and thus the human died.

There is a documented case file of such punishment. In 1610 Francois Ravaillac killed the French king Henry - IV . So Ravaillac was ordered death-penalty by such type of Dismemberment.

Reason Behind Such Weird Death Penalty

The death penalty is one of the oldest forms of punishment in the world. It is also one of the most controversial. The death penalty has been used throughout history for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons are no longer valid, but others remain.

The death penalty was originally used as a way to deter people from committing crimes. The logic behind this was that if people knew they would be put to death for their crimes, they would be less likely to commit them. This rationale is no longer valid, as there is no evidence that the death penalty deters crime.

The death penalty was also used as a way to maintain social order. In some societies, crime was seen as an affront to the gods or to society itself. The death penalty was a way to maintain order by eliminating those who broke the rules.

Some historians believe that the death penalty was a way to discourage people from committing crimes. Others believe that it was a way to prevent criminals from returning to society and committing more crimes.

Pabitra Banerjee

Full-Stack Web Developer & AI-ML Enthusiast With Some Knowledge Of Block-Chain Technology. I'm A Very Ordinary Man With A Great Interest & Love To Advance Technology , And Knows To Speak With The Dumb Computers Very Well.


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