Yesterday, while my student ( Class V ) was reading, asked me to allow him to go to the washroom . I allowed him to go , but then he asked me to go with him . When I asked him the reason he told me that — there he had heard some footsteps and whisper of some people, while nobody was there . He thaught it was Ghost . Then I discussed with him — really Ghost exists or not . Today I'll discuss with you about — God & Ghost : A Controversial Topic . Today I'll discuss this controversy scientifically .
To start this controversy first of all we need to know What is God and What is Ghost ? What science says about this two topics ?
God : The Creator of Everything — Really Exists Or Not ?
Look behind around 13.8 Billion Years Ago , what happened then ? Are you thinking about The Big-Bang , then congratulations, you are right . Around 13.8 billion years ago the Big-Bang happened . As you all know that The Big-Bang is the reason behind the creation of our Universe . And according to the Big-Bang Theory there was no existence of time before Big-Bang . Now here is the question to them who says “ God is the creator of the Universe ” — If there was no existence of Time before Big-Bang , in which dimension our creators lived ?
If I'm not wrong then the Bible says that : God Created the world in just a single day and then he took rest for only 1 day . And then ? What happened next ? Is he taking rest till now ?
Now come to it's scientific debate . All of you've heard the name of famous scientist Charls Darwin . He proved that our world was not created perfectly and we are trying to be perfect by evolution. Yes you are right , I'm going to say about the Evolution Theory by Charls Darwin. According to the Evolution Theory — Every Spicies are fighting to stay or live live in this world . They are evolving themselves to be perfect . That means God was unable to create the Perfect World . According to every religion — God is Perfect and what he creates are perfect. Then why he failed to create the Perfect World ? That means what we knows about God is not right. Famous Scientist and Cosmologist Stephen Hawking stated – “ I believe in the simple explanation that there is no existence of God. ” And I also believe such .
Ghost — Really Exists Or Not ?
Before starting Ghost — Really Exists Or Not , we have to know that What is Ghost ?
According to every religious persons Ghosts are spirits of dead persons , who were unable to fulfill their work in their lifetime or has died unnaturally . They believed that those spirits tries to fulfill their works to get free from this hell like World . Now here is my question — Who Bound Those Spirits ?
I'll try to explain the exact concept of Ghost Forming by Meta-Physics .
Have you ever heard about a 80-90 years old person's ghost ? If your answer is "No" , then you're the right person to understand the reality .
Actually whatever exists in the Universe , exist due to Energy . Yes , If God exists will exist due to Energy ; If Ghosts exists will exist due to Energy . Have you made any assumption , what I'm going to say ?
Yes you are right . We the people exists for the Energy . According to the Fundamentals of Physics — Energy can't be created or destroyed , only can be transformed . When a young person is killed or he/she committed suicide, what happens with the Energy inside of his/her body ? Yes the dead body releases a huge Energy , and this Energy is responsible for Supernatural incidents. And This Ghost , belive me — That's All .
And when a person dies normally — That means the body is releasing Energy slowly . Thus why Normal Deaths can't create Ghosts . Isn't it funny ?!
Now here is the question if God and Ghosts doesn't exists , then why many people claimed that they have saw God or Ghost ?
They do so to fulfill their desire . They plays with human psychology . Our Subconscious mind creates such a horrific story regarding those characters .
Suppose , you're a promoter or a Real Estate Businessman . You found a property suitable for your business . You want to buy the property but the owner refused your proposal . You hired a group of people to proof that there lived any Ghosts . And that's it — They will claim that they've realised or saw Ghost in the property . Boom!! Now the owner will try to sell it , you'll buy the property less than it's original value .
And suppose you're a priest, but no one belives you . No problem - act like that you are taking with God . Boom!! Every single person will come to you with their problems, once who neglected you . Now you'll give them some psychological solutions . Your business will grow well by the help of the name of God .
“ If God & Ghosts Exists Really , Should Be Exist Simultaneously...” — Pabitra Banerjee.
We've not enough proof to confirm or neglect the Existence Of Supernatural Creatures . May be one day Science will answer us with proper evidence . That's It for today . If you want to read such controversy again in future , comment down below 👇 I'll bring such awesome content for you . Thank You For Reading . Comment down what do you think about : :: God & Ghost : A Controversial Topic .